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News Archive for Thursday July 7, 2011  

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= Recent Articles and Reviews =

(Sorry for the light updates.)

Feedback on Matrox DualHead2Go DP (DisplayPort) w/new MacBook Pro
(Reply to a request for feedback yesterday.)

"I'm currently testing of these at work for wider distribution within my company. It's not a bad solution, but it can be kinda quirky.
If your machine goes to sleep you may need to unplug the box from the Mac to get it too wake up. The dock in the middle of the two screens is annoying, but can be fixed by a third party pref pane. Sharing your screen is a hassle as well, because to others your screen is huge and they will need to scroll around a lot.

The take away here is that this spans two screens of the same resolution and the driver software is ok, but not great.
-Jason B."

Wolfgang also wanted to know if (despite matrox's note) dual 2048x1152 mode was present with the DP model used w/new Macbook Pros (and latest OS X updates). I wrote Jason to ask about that.
If any other readers have used a DualHead2Go DP (DisplayPort model) with a new MBP, let me know if that rez is an option and your opinion of the DH2Go DP in general.

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Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Doc Updates (light today)

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Previous 3 Days News Summaries:

Wednesday July 6, 2011

Tuesday July 5, 2011

Friday July 1, 2011

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